Bill Poulos’ Letter to World Leaders

Bill Poulos is a published author and great thinker. He is reflective, analytical, and knowledgable on politics, history, economics, and finance. Bill is president of Profits Run, Inc. He has written multiple books including, “Bill Poulos’s Simple Options Trading For Beginners: How to trade options from A to Z explained in plain English“. Bill was recently asked, “What would you want the leaders of the world to think about now so that the next 100 years turns out wonderful?” Below is his response, a letter to all world leaders.


None of you will live forever, one-hundred years at best on a planet that is billions of years old.  How will you spend your time while here?  What will your legacy be?  How will you compare to those that have come before you?  Will you be viewed as a great person, great leader or just another average run-of-the-mill leader, a tyrant or worse?

Some things to ponder:  the history of the planet as we know it is not a pretty picture.  On the contrary, the human race has demonstrated that it has forever been lost in a self-imposed paradigm based on a mind, body, ego mentality that has resulted in endless wars, subjugation of people, famine and poverty.  This cycle of misery only recently has been mitigated for some people with the advent of Constitution of the United States and free market economies based on capitalism.

It is undeniable, that capitalism has raised more people out of poverty than any other “ism” or government program.  Will you cling to outmoded forms of government or embrace free market economies and democratic elections?

As leaders, you must ask yourselves, what are your motivations, goals, values?  Are they driven by your ego alone?  Are you impressed with yourself for having become a leader?  Are you concerned for the welfare of your constituency?  Are you just about garnering votes to remain in power or, if not a democracy, just about maintaining your hold on power at all costs?  Do you regularly pander to your base?  Are you genuinely honest with yourself and others? Do you really have it in you to be a great leader?

These are important questions that depending on your answers will have a significant impact on the welfare of the world in the years ahead.

In order for humanity to progress beyond never-ending conflict, massive poverty and excessive hunger, you leaders will have to first actually lead the way by embracing a new paradigm that up to now has been foreign to this world.

A paradigm that gets beyond the belief that we humans are nothing more than mind, body, egos – or in religious terms, unworthy sinners that need to be controlled by authoritarian leaders, who are also unworthy sinners.  A paradigm that gets beyond the belief that we are all adversaries as individuals, institutions and as nation states.  A paradigm that promotes cross nation collaboration for the welfare of all.

The truth is that we all have the same basic needs (see Maslow’s Hierarchy).  The truth is we are here on this planet for a very short time.  The truth is we are all created from the same life force.  Why then do we as a race, act in such a destructive way?  Is this pre-ordained by some invisible force?  I think not.  It is because we have not yet managed to use our free will to rise above the limited belief that we are nothing more than a mind, body, ego.

We all need to realize that we are not just a limited ego driven body.  In fact, that ego driven body will die, but the eternal being that we are, the truth of who we are will live on in realms we cannot currently access.  We will be held to account for our actions.  You leaders of all people should embrace this new paradigm (or not so new if you study the few masters who have come before us.).  If you realize you are eternal beings, you would be motivated to work with your counterparts to help nudge the world from its sordid past to a wonderous future never before experienced for the benefit of all people.

You would collaborate to encourage the formation of free market economies, free elections and national constitutions similar to that of the United States guaranteeing peoples’ unalienable rights.  You would maintain your respective nations’ sovereignty and in so doing you would act as a check and balance against leaders who do not embrace freedom for their people.  You would reject any notion of a one government, new world order that would otherwise enslave people and set any progress made up until now back hundreds of years.

You would build economic alliances based on fair trade practices, new transportation modes and infrastructure to facilitate trade, clean energy, eliminate pollutants of every kind, facilitate continual major medical advances and dramatic advances in space exploration.

You would advance the cause of freedom, enabling all people to enjoy productive lives through self-determination – and enabling more and more people to awaken to their true nature as eternal beings temporarily experiencing a mind, body, ego. And as eternal beings, co-creators with the Creator, making known the unknown to the benefit of all.

None of this will happen as long as you leaders remain blind to who you truly are.  As long as you remain trapped in the old paradigm, none of the above will come to pass and you will be held to account. Why? Because knowing that you are more than just a mortal mind, body, ego you now have no excuse to remain constrained by the old paradigm.

Do you have it in you to be a great leader?