Bill Poulos – Choosing Where To Settle

Bill Poulos is married to Karen Asquini, his high school sweetheart.
They lived in the same neighborhood growing up in Detroit, Michigan.

A good practice in life, especially for young people is to sit down and have a serious conversation with yourself about what your superordinate life goals are.

For example, one of them might be to get married. One might be to have a successful career.

As a young person, you don’t think about health too much, but having good health is a good life goal to have.

Whatever your goals are, every day when you first get up in the morning and before you fall asleep at night, you repeat those goals in your mind’s eye, and you repeat them verbally.

For example, you would say, “I allow myself to have the ideal mate. I allow myself to be successful. I allow myself to be radiantly healthy.”

What are your superordinate life goals?

You hold and see those words in your mind’s eye, and then you speak them.

You do that at least three times before falling asleep and upon awakening in the morning.

What’s all that got to do with where you would settle down?

If you do what I just said, then the universe is going to lead you to the right place at the right time, the right person at the right time, and the right circumstances.

Things are going to fall your way, just in a way you couldn’t possibly orchestrate on your own. This is because when you hold these high-level goals in mind on a consistent basis, it can’t be any other way.

So for example, there’s a young fellow that I have helped with this who’s an Alabama graduate.

He lives in Florida. That’s his home state.

He went to school in Alabama, to the University of Alabama.

He got two or three job offers upon graduation—in Florida (back home), and he got one in Michigan.

He’d never been to Michigan.

I don’t think he’d ever seen snow.

And the job offer in Michigan was a top-notch position, right down his alley, good-paying, right in line with his career major.

The jobs in Florida weren’t nearly as good, but boy, he didn’t want to move to Michigan.

Who wants to live in Michigan? It gets snow there, you know?

So I had this conversation with him, and it turned out if he’d taken the jobs in Florida, they would not have helped him realize his life goals.

So he took the job in Michigan.

He’s ecstatic. He’s doing great. He’s thriving.

Now what’s going to happen?

He’s going to meet a young lady in Michigan probably, not necessarily, but the odds are it’ll be the right young lady because he’s holding in mind, “I allow myself to have the perfect mate.”

So it all falls together.

So instead of fighting life and fighting situations, instead of listening to all the chronic complainers and those that get offended at everything, those that are not happy, and those who are disgruntled, you turn that all on its head.

Everything comes your way and even when you have difficulties, you’re able to deal with them much more effectively than you would be otherwise.

So that’s as simple as that.

Sounds a little airy-fairy, but it really works.